Cutting 2024 Spring season is now closed.
See you in the Fall 2024 for 2025 orders.
Thank you all for a busy season.
Good Planting to everyone!
Living Willow Kits
[fence, dome, harlequin tree] still available for local pick up only.
Basketwillow sales -late summer
Cuttings are dormant stems 10" long, of new growth willow. To order CUTTINGS, please refer to the list below noting which varieties are SOLD OUT and submit an order form or email directly. There is no automatic response to your submitted order. We will review your order and invoice as quickly as we can. Payment is due upon receipt.
Your order will be shipped - late February for the west Coast and throughout March. Local buyers can arrange to pick up from the farm.
To contact us about dormant cuttings, basket willow by the lb. live rods for soil stabilization, willow bark, kits for domes and tunnels, please submit an email below.
Cuttings are 10" long and sold in bundles of 5 cuttings
Cuttings are for growing your own willows
One variety only in each bundle of five
Minimum order for shipping - 5 bundles
Orders less than 50 cuttings - $2.60 per cutting
Orders of 50 or more - $2.25 per cutting
Orders over 1000 - $2.00 per cutting
Shipping - Canada Post - $26.00 but will be more for orders of over 400 cuttings
Willows are cut when the willows are fully dormant - on the West Coast this is through January and early February. Orders will be invoiced as soon as possible upon receipt. Payment is required when you receive your invoice, to secure your order as many varieties sell out quickly. Delivery of cuttings typically begins in early March and planting instructions and postal notice is provided at that time. ue
Due to a number of unpredictable factors, a few varieties, in small quantities, that are marked as Sold Out, may be available at the end of the season - please inquire at that time if interested.
​Salix acutifolia 'Blue Streak'
basketry, landscape, floral, bee willow. This willow has violet- purple stems that turn to a blue chalky bloom in new growth, (this color will rub off- but if used as "green willow" will retain some of this spectacular blue antique hue on the least disturbed rods) The growing coppiced plants present with stunning color in the winter landscape, and has great potential as a winter landscape willow. A very flexible basket willow with great deep purple colour. It is not particularly productive for us, so it seems we never have enough of it. Beautiful snake like markings on the bark of older rods - use for bark harvest - extremely attractive silvery catkins -" precocious" - appearing before leaves ... so stunning as a cut flower ..and as specimen tree if not coppiced. Long and narrow leaves, somewhat weeping , bright green to yellow fall color will grow to be a small tree if not coppiced. Native of Poland, Russia, parts of east Asia Coldest zone: 2 SOLD OUT
Blue Streak
​Salix alba 'Aurea'
landscape, ornamental tree, lime green leaves turn to bright gold when mature & in full sun, slower growing, stunning contrast with silver leaved willows, more challenging to grow from cuttings that other willows. SOLD OUT
Salix alba 'Britzensis'
landscape, basketry, bright coral to red winter colour ( varies with winter temperature) some stems slightly branchy, good colour addition for baskets, very showy pollarded shrub - winner of Royal horticultural society Award of Garden Merit. possibly the showiest of the red willows. other horticultural sources list this as Salix fragilis ' Britzensis' Coldest Zone 2
Salix alba 'Flame'
landscape, basketry, red /coral rods, lovely colour in basket Hardy to Zone 4 SOLD OUT
Salix alba 'Sangria
basketry, winter colour, egg yolk yellow fadeing to reddish tips No longer available
Salix alba 'Sericea'
landscape, basketry, living willow, silver leaves on mature plant, rods have interesting horizontal bands of yellowish brown. Will grow to small tree uncoppiced.
Salix alba 'Silver Column'
landscape, silver foliage, columned tree Hardy to Zone 3 Not Available
Salix 'Americana'
basketry, rich soft brown rods, very earthy tone in weaving, lovely to work with grown extensively in Trzceil Poland as a basket willow, not as slim as some basket willow.
​Salix babylonica
landscape, weeping willow - NOT COLD TOLERANT - this grows to a large weeping willow tree. SOLD OUT
​Salix caprea 'Select'
ornamental shrub, slower growing, a bee willow, silver mid sized male pussy willows, abundant and beautiful. Hardy to Zone 3 sold out
Oxford Violet
Salix caprea x cinerea '365 Showtime'
landscape, floral, generous producer of beautiful pussy willows - a biomass willow if not grown for catkins. Hardy to Zone 3 SOLD OUT
Salix daphnoides ‘Oxford Violet'
ornamental, basketry, bee willow, unique turquoise toned bloom on second year rods, bloom darkens to black on older wood. Hardy to Zone 4 SOLD OUT
Salix daphnoides 'Continental Purple'
basketry, living willow, bee willow,glossy deep red purple toned stems, extraordinary veined bark, of mature rods. Grown typically for basketry but can grow to an outstanding tree with beautiful catkins. Hardy to Zone 4 SOLD OUT
Salix daphnoides 'Ovario Udine'
ornamental, bee willow - grey to green, dark red/purple stems Hardy to Zone 4 SOLD OUT
Continental Purple
Continental Purple
Salix dasyclados
basketry - large long rods - furniture making, bee willow Hardy to Zone 4 not available
Salix fragilis 'Belgian Red'
basketry - landscape, rich brown red rods - coppice annually to ensure control of this willow
Salix fragilis 'Hutchinsons Yellow'
landscape, basketry,living willow, wattle, stunning egg yolk yellow rods, vigorous growth, coppice annually. Hardy to Zone 3
Hutchinsons' Yello
Salix gracilistyla 'Melanostachys'
ornamental, unique black to red to yellow pussy willows- twiggy tall shrub , floral Hardy to Zone 4 SOLD OUT
Salix gracilistyla ‘Mt. Aso’
Ornamental, floral, bee willow, hot pink pussy willows, extraordinary color basketry.Hardy to Zone 4. Due to a very hot summer the
supply of Mt. Aso has been much depleted; I will re -planting this variety and no cuttings will be available in 2023-24.
Salix gracilistyla ‘Winter Glory’
ornamental, floral, bee willow,large prolific soft grey pussy willows, basket willow- coarse sold out
Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki'
ornamental, basket willow, beautiful pink, white, green varigated leaves, the new young rods are a lovely red color and very flexible, Hardy to Zone 4 SOLD OUT
Winter Glory
Mt. Aso
Salix irrorata
ornamental, bluestems lavender white in field, basketry,
Hakuro Nishiki
Salix koriyanagi
living willow, heavier than Koriyanagi Rubikins, tall vigorous SOLD OUT
Salix koriyanagi 'Rubikins'
basket willow with reddish tips, beautiful in the field,very responsive to wind ( small delicate red pussy willows on top portion of rods) very flexible and tall willow SOLD OUT
Salix leucopithecia 'Rabbit's Foot'
ornamental, bee willow, living willow, coarse basketry, vigorous long 12 ft. rods, with a multitude of unique paw shaped silver pussy willows. There is hardly a way to describe how opulent and beautiful these 2" silvered rabbit paw willow flowers are, full on opulence - made for hotel lobby's, and happy homes. SOLD OUT
Rabbit's Foot
Salix magnifica
landscape, magnolia shaped leaves, very long catkins (m) NOT AVAILABLE
Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa'
landscape, contorted curly willow, can grow to 30 ft. ( coppice for floral use) SOLD OUT
Salix miyabeana
living willow, wattle fencing, coarse basketry when coppiced. Coppiced rods brown, Can grow to medium - large sized tree.Love the slight slight wave in new and mature rods on this extremely vigorous willow. pest resistance - used to develop hybrid biomass willow-can be used as screen or windbreak. Leafs out earlier than any other variety in my field. Hardy to Zone 4
Salix miyabeana 'SX64'
biomass willow, wattle fencing, privacy hedges,very fast growing willow, lovely varied coloured new rods( reds, yellows green brown. Zones 4-6 sold out
Salix myrsinifolia 'Blackskin'
basketry, landscape, floral stem colour, unusual oval leaves, and shining dark rods, a lovely coppiced plant for the garden, tolerates poor soil and some shade. Hardy to Zone 3 SOLD OUT
Salix purpurea's ... listed below ... Common name Purple willow...all good choices for weaving ...all considered deer resistant -
Salix purpurea '187'
basketry, long thin very straight green rods 8-10 ft. rods. Best as coppiced plant. Hardy to zone 3 SOLD OUT
Salix purpurea' X Americana'
coarse basketry, living willow, wattle fencing, bright apple green willow, perfect for large projects, supple productive willow
Salix purpurea 'Dicky Meadows
basketry, fine rods evenly slender, very flexible, dries light brown 8-10 ft. light living willow work male zone 3.
Salix purpurea 'Eugenii'
coarse basketry, living willow, wattle fencing - soil conservation -purple to red small catkins - male- zone 3
Salix purpurea 'Frances Red'
basketry, flexible slender rod, favored weaver, dries grey.
Salix purpurea 'Goldstones'
basketry, erosion control ( root mass dense) slender golden light coloured rods, bee willow, small grey catkins- zone 3. SOLD OUT
Salix purpurea 'Green Dicks'
basketry, tall slender willow reddish rods turning pale green in winter, zone 3. SOLD OUT
Salix purpurea 'Irette'
basketry, living willow, wattle, erosion control ( root mass dense) very slender light colored rods, great choice for weaving.. bee willow, small grey catkins- zone 3
Salix purpurea 'Koch Brown'
basketry, very productive willow, lovely light brown in the field.
Salix purpurea ssp.Lambertiana
coarse basketry, living willow, wattle fencing, vigorous willow, tall, but good for weaving - This Lambertiana has rich brown stems zone 3
Salix purpurea 'Leicestershire Dicks'
fine basketry, slender rods reddish brown stems. SOLD OUT
Salix purpurea 'Light Dicks'
fine basketry, pale reddish brown - drys darker - contrasting name
Salix purpurea 'Nana'
landscape, fine basketry, very fine rods, reddish brown, neat contained rounded small to medium shrub, zone 2/ 3 sold out
Salix purpurea 'Oka'
basketry, old french basketry willow, slender Hardy to Zone 4
Salix purpurea 'Packing Twine'
fine basketry, long slender rods, Irish variety, dries a green to brown, zone 3
Salix purpurea 'Purple Dicks'
basketry, green with slight purple tone in field - very beautiful willow to grow
Packing Twine
Salix Scarlet Curls
landscape columnar growing red stemmed curly willow -( may be a hybrid of 'Tortuosa'' SOLD OUT
Salix sepulcralis 'Erythroflexuosa'
landscape, floral, rich red twisted rods,lovely vigorous variety of curly willow Zone 4
Salix triandra 'Noir deVillaine'
fine basketry, dark brown rods, very striking dark look in the field, underutilized as a will grow to mid-sized shrub with exfoliating bark, much under utilized as garden small tree or shrub, deer resistant. Hardy to Zone 3
Salix udensis 'Sekka'
landscape, floral, fasciated scroll like rods seem like polished mahogany wood, tiny delicate silver pussy willow cover fan like rods, absolutely stunning growing as large shrub around water- the dragon willow. Hardy to Zone 4+ SOLD OUT
Salix viminalis 'Superba'
coarse basketry, living willow, beautiful flexible willow, gorgeous felted type pussy willows along top third of rods.Hardy to Zone 3
BEE WILLOWS - SPECIAL COLLECTION- to encourage pollinators
For local pickup only at this time - 1 bundle of 5 - of different types of willows that produce early catkins. Varies with supply-but could include S. gracilistyla Mt. Aso, S. Viminalis , S. Caprea, S.koriyanagi Rubikins S. Lucinda & /or other early catkin producers.
50 7- 8 ft. rods will make this stunning living willow arch - will graft at joints in a year + Kit includes instructions landscape cloth and support to build your own arch - very easy to do with spectacular results. Image shows arch students and I built at the Horticultural Center of the Pacific $200 plus shipping Early Spring Delivery
For inquiries about other products please send us an email - or call 250-216-8821